Due to the spread of the Delta variant, some lenders are now requiring face masks. Therefore, a mask or face covering is required regardless of vaccination status. When confirming the appointment, please let the customer know you will be wearing a face or mask covering. During this ongoing pandemic, you can and should return a signing-no questions asked-if you respond yes to any of the following:
Have you returned from international travel to a country with a Level 3 Travel Health
Notice within the last 14 days?
Have you or household family members had close contact with or cared for someone
diagnosed with COVID-19 within the last 14 days?
Have you experienced any cold or flu-like symptoms in the last 14 days (fever, cough, sore
throat, respiratory illness, difficulty breathing)?
If you respond Yes to any question above, please let your hiring company know, and start
following the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommendations.
You may want to follow the National Notary Association (NNA) following precautions:
Decline an assignment if you feel the environment would put you at risk in any way.
Keep hand sanitizer and disinfecting wipes with you at all times. Use them frequently.
Avoid shaking hands with signers and leave extra space between you and the signers.
Ask signers to provide their own blue and black pens or keep give-away pens with you.
Use your copy package to review documents with the signers. Do not hand pages to
signer to sign. You have the right to leave a signing if you see any warning signs after
arriving on site.
CDC Website: https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/about/index.html